What Plants Can Teach Children

toddler touching plants

As many of you are aware, now more than ever the childcare community is recognizing the importance of nature-based learning as an important tool in child development. The ability to go back to our “roots” and teach our children with the natural world around us can be a truly magical and enriching experience. Through my…

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Before you throw that box away….

  Well, baby, it is cold outside, and if your kiddos have a Grandma like mine, you are soon to have several large boxes in your home.  It’s age-old wisdom that the box may be as good of a gift according to your child as the gift inside, so before you throw it away, here…

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Accreditation Update from Leap Academy Madison

Attempting one accreditation is not to be taken lightly, but intertwining the inner workings of two accrediting bodies is not for the faint of heart, and this is exactly what we are doing at Leap Academy Madison at the moment.  The following is a brief synopsis of where we are at with each process and…

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Parenting Tools: The Visual Timer

visual timer

I love visual timers.  I mean it. I LOVE visual timers.  They come in all shapes and sizes: sand timers, Alexa and Google have timers (less visual), the microwave has a timer (less readable for a preschool-aged child), and there are some great ones for sale that were designed specifically for educational purposes.

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5 Tips to a Successful Drop-Off

child and parent at drop off at daycare

It’s 6am. You’re trying to get yourself ready, your family ready, and get everyone out the door to drive to daycare. You get through the rush and bustle of the morning, walk through the doors of Leap Academy, get to your child’s classroom, and it happens. The drop off meltdown.

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My Child Bites – Now What?

young toddlers sitting on floor

It’s the end of the day, you come to pick up your child and their teacher hands you an incident report. “This is just a report about today. Your child bit a friend,” they say. So now what?

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